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- *** top secret ss/ir on scramble ***
- -- kokken stage ? ? synchronize --
- -- from fleet command ---
- congratulations, sentinel, on your
- successful completion of this mission.
- the opposition has signed a treaty of
- unconditional surrender. however,
- there are radical factions that have
- opposed the treaty and may still be
- hostile.
- due to the reduced state of readiness,
- the crown has ordered a stand-down
- from red alert, and all emergency
- provisions and executive orders have
- been henceforth rescinded. all fleet
- non-essential personnel have been
- recalled and unlimited emergency
- funding for supplies has been ordered
- cancelled, effective immediately.
- be aware that your credit standing is
- now again, in your control, and will
- no longer be unlimited. many fleet
- vessels have been remaining at their
- posts voluntarily, however, the g.i.a.
- intelligence sources are of the
- opinion that continued alert
- procedures are not mandatory at this
- time.
- you are hereby granted shore leave,
- until such time as the crown deems
- your services are again required.
- our thanks and congratulations, again,
- for a job well done!!!
- --- incoming personal message ---
- dear sentinel / i understand that's
- what they call you now! / stop /
- i have been waiting for you to come
- home for a long time now / stop /
- i guess that all the messages i sent
- you just went into the biocell module
- / stop / it's just as well, because i
- just signed legal papers for a divorce
- / stop / and by the way, your platinum
- credit disk has just turned to rubber
- and the bank foreclosed on the
- mortgage for the new house we never
- got a chance to live in /stop / you
- will find a letter from the
- collection agency included in the
- papers the lawyer will serve you when
- and if you make it back / stop / the
- kids and i are moving in with my
- parents / stop /
- some father you turned out to be!!!
- / stop / the kids don't even know what
- you look like anymore / stop /
- i should have known you were a
- 'space cadet' the minute i met you !
- so long, peggy
- --- end of personal message ---
- *** end crypto ***
- --- incoming transmission ---
- output frequency: 145.350 megahertz fm
- input frequency: 144.750 megahertz fm
- description - amateur radio signal.
- origin - new york city, earth
- -- text follows --
- greetings, sir !!. the following qsl
- card is to confirm our qso last week.
- i am looking forward to receiving your
- qsl card in return. i'm in the
- callbook.
- --------------------------------------
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- whiskey bravo two always needs repair
- date of contact: jan 20, 2135
- time of contact: 0133 hours e.s.t.
- frequency: 145.350 megahertz, fm
- e.a.r.s./ repeater: ka2-cpa, new york
- --------------------------------------
- - carrier dropped - end communication
- -
- p.s. far be it from me to pull the
- plug on your c-64, but if you don't
- take this game all the way to the end
- just re-set your computer!
- bobby g. out-----
- ^